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Publications and Technical Reports

Refereed Papers

Becker, M.L. and Ross, M.A.,"How do tidal passes interact?  A case study along the central Gulf coast of Florida," J. Coastal Rsch., Paper submitted, 1999.

Geurink, J. S. and Ross, M. A.,"Temporal dependency and parameter upscaling for overland flow with kinematic wave routing." J. Hydrologic Engrg., ASCE paper no: 19478-HE, accepted for publication pending edits, 1999.

Geurink, J. S. and Ross, M. A.,"Temporal dependency of infiltration models." J. Hydrologic Engrg., ASCE paper no: 18854, accepted for publication pending edits, 1999.

Ross, Mark A., "Aplicación de los sistemas de información geográfica en la gestión de las aquas de tormenta."  Uso del Subsuelo en el control y Gestión de Aquas del Tormenta, Ovieda, Spain, March 1997.

Ross, Mark A., "El control y las gestión de los aquas de tormenta en Florida: casos de las ciudades de Orlando y Tampa."  Uso del Subsuelo en el control y Gestión de Aquas del Tormenta, Ovieda, Spain, March 1997.

Ross, Mark A., "Las aquas del tormenta en la mineriá.  Caso de la mineriá de fosfatos en Florida."  Uso del Subsuelo en el control y Gestión de Aquas del Tormenta, Ovieda, Spain, March 1997.

Ross, Mark A., and Stefanakou, Georgia I.,"Investigation of Artificial Recharge on West Central Florida Wellfields: Cone Ranch, A Case Study", American Water Resources Association, Annual Conference, October 1997.

Perry, Robert G., and Ross, Mark A., "Non-Point Source Loading to The Surficial Aquifer" , being submitted to Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Water Resources Association, Fall 1997.

Ross, M.A., Geurink, J. and Tara,  P.D., "On Integrated Modeling of Large Multi-Basin Areas: Costs and Benefits", submitted to Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, August 1995.

Ross, M. A., and Tara, P. D., "Integrated Hydrologic Modeling with GIS", American Society of Civil Engineering, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 119, No. 2, March/April 1993.

Vincent, M. S., Ross, M. A., and Ross, B. E., "A Tidal Inlet Bridge Scour Assessment Model", Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Transportation Research Record, No. 1420, 72nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 1993.

Conference Papers

Ross, M.A., Tara, P.D., and Geurink, J., "On Integrated Modeling of Large Multi-Basin Areas: Lessons Learned", Groundwater Management: Proc. of the International Symposium, Randall J. Charbeneau, ed., San Antonio, TX, August 1995.

Ross, M.A. and Tara, P.D., "Integrated Modeling for Reclamation and Regional Water Management",  Peace River Planning Conference, Proc. of, Bartow, Florida, February 1995.

Ross, M. A., "Integrating GIS and Hydrologic Modeling for Evaluating Anthropogenic Activities on Aquatic Systems", Remote Sensing and GIS in Urban Waters, UDT 1994 Conference, Proceedings of the International Conference, Moscow, Russia, September 1994.

Tara, P.D., and Ross, M.A., "Advancements in Integrated Hydrologic Modeling for Mine Reclamation",  Wetlands: 21st. Annual Conf. on Wetland Restoration and Creation, Tampa, Florida, May 1994.

Ross, M. A., Cunningham, L. L, and Maddock, T., "An Integrated Hydrologic Model for Water Management on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Refuges", 29th Annual American Water Resources Association Conference, Tucson, Arizona, September 1993.

Ross, M. A., Tara, P. D., Burdge, J., "New Directions in Integrated Hydrologic Modeling with GIS", American Water Resources Association, 1993 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, "Exemplary Systems for GIS Applications in Surface Water Hydrology", San Francisco, California, July 25-30, 1993.

Halley, M. C., and Ross, M. A., "A Lake Water Quality Management Model to Evaluate Watershed Stormwater Management Alternatives", American Society of Civil Engineers, 1993 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, "Exemplary Systems for GIS Applications in Surface Water Hydrology", San Francisco, California, July 25-30, 1993.

Vincent, M. S., and Ross, M. A., "A Tidal Inlet Bridge Scour Assessment Model", Annual ASCE Hydraulics Conference, San Francisco, California, July 1993.

Cunningham, Leslie L., and Ross, Mark A., "An Integrated Hydrologic Model for Managing Water Resource Needs on United States Fish and Wildlife Service Refuges and Hatcheries", The Third National U.S. Fish and Wildlife Geographic Information Systems Workshop, La Cross, Wisconsin, May 1992.

Fielland, C. E., Ross, M. A., "Improved HSPF Infiltration Calibration Procedure with a Linked GIS", 1991 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and International Symposium on Groundwater, Nashville, Tennessee, July 1991.

Ross, M. A., Tara, P. D, Schwartz, M., "Groundwater Modeling with GIS", 1991 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and International Symposium on Groundwater, Nashville, Tennessee, July 1991.

Ross, B. E., Ross, M. A., "An Engineering Analysis of Sedimentation in Tidal Inlets", 1991 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and International Symposium on Groundwater, Nashville, Tennessee, July 1991.

Ross, M. A., "Watershed and Receiving Water Quality Modeling with a GIS", ASCE 18th National Water Resources Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 1991.

Ross, B. E., Ross, M. A., "The Engineering of Mathematical Models", ASCE 18th National Water Resources Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 1991.

Ross, M. A., Fielland, C. E., Tara, P.D., "An Integrated GIS/Hydrologic Model for Phosphate Mining Reclamation Design and Analysis", ASCE Special Conference on GIS and Remote Sensing, Washington, DC, May 1991.

Ross, M. A., Tara, P. D., "GIS Analysis for Hydrologic Modeling", 8th National Conference on Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Orlando, Florida, 1990.

Fielland, C. E., Ross, M. A., "An Input Data Preprocessor Linked to a GIS for HSPF Hydrologic Simulation", 8th National Conference on Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, Orlando, Florida, 1990.

Ross, M. A., Fielland, C. E., Tara, P. D., "An Integrated GIS/Hydrologic Model for Phosphate Mining Reclamation Design", 26th Annual AWRA Conference - The Science of Water Resources: 1990 and Beyond, Denver, Colorado, 1990.

Ross, M. A. and Ross, B. E., "Development of an Integrated GIS/Hydrologic Model on a 386 Microcomputer for Reclamation Design", 7th National Conference on Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Orlando, Florida, November 1989.

Powers, R. M., Davis, P. R., and Ross, M. A., "Modeling the Hydrologic Impacts of Phosphate Mining and Reclamation in Central Florida", AWRA 25th Annual Conference on Water:  Laws and Management, Tampa, Florida, September 1989.

Published Reports

Becker, May Ling, and Ross, Mark A., "A Model Study of Boca Ceiga Bay, John's Pass and Blind Pass", Prepared for Florida Department of Transportation, USF-CMHAS Water Resources Report, CMHAS.FDOT.99.01,  University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida,July 1997.

Ross, Mark A. , Tara, Patrick D., Geurink, Jeffrey S., and Stewart, Mark T.,”FIPR Hydrologic Model Users Manual and Technical Documentation”, Prepared for Florida Institute of Phosphate Research and Southwest Florida Water Management District, Center for Modeling Hydrologic and Aquatic Systems, CMHAS Water Resources Report, FIPR.97.03,  University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, July 1997.

Geurink, Jeff S., Baudean, Jodi Ann, Tara, Patrick D., Stewart, Mark T., and Ross, Mark A., "A GIS-Based Multi-Scale Integrated Model for Comprehensive Water Management Evaluation, Task Four Report: Surface Water and FHM Integrated Model Development and Simulation," prepared for Southwest Florida Water Management District, CMHAS Water Resources Report, SWFWMD.97.02, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, October 1995.

Geurink, Jeff S., Tara, Patrick D., Stewart, Mark T., and Ross, Mark A., "A GIS-Based Multi-Scale Integrated Model for Comprehensive Water Management Evaluation, Task Three Report: Multi-Scale Groundwater Model Development and Simulation," prepared for Southwest Florida Water Management District, CMHAS Water Resources Report, SWFWMD.97.01, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, October 1995.

Geurink, Jeff S., Langevin, Chris, Tara, Patrick D., Stewart, Mark T., and Ross, Mark A., "A GIS-Based Multi-Scale Integrated Model for Comprehensive Water Management Evaluation, Task Two Report: roundwater Model Development and Simulation," prepared for Southwest Florida Water Management District, CMHAS Water Resources Report, SWFWMD.95.02, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, October 1995.

Geurink, Jeff S., Stewart, Mark T., and Ross, Mark A., "A GIS-Based Multi-Scale Integrated Model for Comprehensive Water Management Evaluation, Task One Report: Data Collection and Assessment," prepared for Southwest Florida Water Management District, CMHAS Water Resources Report, SWFWMD.95.01, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, April 1995.

Ross, Mark A., Geurink, Jeff S., and Tara, Patrick D., "The FHM Integrated Model Application to the Quivira National Wildlife Refuge", prepared for US Fish and Wildlife Service, CMHAS Water Resources Report, USFWS.94.1, Tampa, Florida, February 1994.

Vincent, Mark S., and Ross, Mark A., "Johns Pass Bridge Scour Assessment Model", prepared for The Florida Department of Transportation, by The Center for Modeling Hydrologic and Aquatic Systems, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, July 1992.

Halley, Mary C., Ross, Mark A., and Tara, Patrick D., "Lake Tarpon Water Quality Management Model", Prepared for The Pinellas County Department of Environmental Management, by The Center for Modeling Hydrologic and Aquatic Systems, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, April 1992.

Ross, M. A. (co-author), Florida Institute of Phosphate Research (FIPR), FIPR Hydrologic Model: Volumes 1 and 2, Technical and Users' Documentation, 1992, 93, 94.

Morgan, D. R., Ross, B. E., Ross, M. A., "Hydraulic and Water Quality Study of the Courtney Campbell Causeway One-Way Tidal Gates, Hillsborough County, Florida", for the Florida Department of Transportation, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, April 1984.

Ross, B. E., Ross, M. A. and Jerkins, P. D., "Wasteload Allocation Study, Tampa Bay, Florida", Volumes I-VI, for Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, College of Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, March 1984.

Ross, B. E., Ross, M. A., and Jerkins, P. D., "Final Report: Further Design Considerations, Pier Protection Islands, Sunshine Skyway Bridge", Florida Department of Transportation, Tampa, Florida,  January 1984.

Ross, B. E., Ross, M. A., Jerkins, P. D., "Hydrodynamic Considerations for Pier Protection Islands-Sunshine Skyway Bridge", Center for Mathematical Models, College of Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, January 1984.

Ross, B. E., Ross, M. A. and Jerkins, P. D., "Design Conditions for Pier Protection Islands, Sunshine Skyway Bridge, Tampa, Florida", for Florida Department of Transportation, Hydrosystems Assoc., September 1983.




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